Imagine strolling through your favorite neighborhood early in the morning. The sun rises, puddles on the sidewalk glisten (it rained the night before), and you wave to people you don't know. That's what this blend tastes like.
This is a blend for everyday drinking. Generous chocolate notes and a more developed roast profile give it a bold and tasty personality.
Current Components:
40% Brazil Eagle Mogiana, 60% Colombia Dulima
Imagine strolling through your favorite neighborhood early in the morning. The sun rises, puddles on the sidewalk glisten (it rained the night before), and you wave to people you don't know. That's what this blend tastes like.
This is a blend for everyday drinking. Generous chocolate notes and a more developed roast profile give it a bold and tasty personality.
Current Components:
40% Brazil Eagle Mogiana, 60%